The final entry…

Today’s final diary entry is limited to 160 words only, as we are focusing on quality of writing not quantity. The children must carefully choose the emotive language that they use to create a powerful and positive final diary entry as Anne Frank. We hope you enjoy reading them. 🙂

Mr McCann

80 thoughts on “The final entry…

  1. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dearest Kitty,

    This morning outside it was so beautiful, the trees were dancing in the crisp morning air. The streets of Amsterdam were calm. I wish I could just go outside and do what I like but as you know kitty that is not possible. Life has just been so atrocious, however outside it’s peaceful. Why does Hitler have to be so corrupt.

    When the war is over, I hope that nobody will be discriminated against. I also wish for the future that there is nobody as repulsive as Hitler. I really hope that the Allies will come to my rescue and regain the land we originally owned. I hope to inspire people to write their own diaries and share their life stories with millions of people. When the war is over, I wish to be a famous writer and write books for children and adults. Will we be safe kitty?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dearest Kitty,

    I was peaking through the window and there was a beautiful blue sky, the birds were singing and the streets of Amsterdam were peaceful. I can’t wait until the war is over and peace will come to Jews and the people of Amsterdam.

    So far life in the annex had been miserable, two years of arguments and sniffling over nothing. All I could do is wait until the Allies bring peace and the Germans surrender. The biggest wish that I could ever wish for is that there was no wars and people could just be friends.

    Throughout the war I have been writing all my thoughts and feelings in my diary. I wanted to do this, as I once wanted to be a movie star but after all this diary stuff, school and writing I realise that I want to grow up and be a famous writer…

    Do you think It will happen kitty?

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  3. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dearest Kitty,

    The sky was as blue as the sea, people with shining face even though we are still in the war, how I wish I was with the people with shining faces Amsterdam is a magical place.

    I wish to have freedom, Kitty. Freedom is coming closer, the Allies are regaining all the land the Germans have invaded. I’ve got my future in mind when the appalling Germans die down. I desperately want the world to be in peace, even if I do not survive the war my diary still has my soul in it so people can remember who I am. If I survive, I really want to write my own books and hope my books will be read and inspire millions, billions of people. I am still depressed with how Hitler and the Germans are killing people who are different.

    Do you think my hopes and dreams will come true, Kitty?

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  4. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dearest Kitty,

    Sometimes I think hiding in a secret annex is just a dream and it’ll be all over in a click, but when I wake up, reality doesn’t seem to exciting me. One thing can make me satisfied though, looking out of the top floor window of this dusty wooden room.

    As I look out I can see the famous river flowing peacefully along the bank and people sailing in little boats. Thanks to the Germans the magical view of blessed Amsterdam got ruined by crumbling buildings destructed from bombs and the devastation of the people down below slowly seeing their beloved city being teared apart.

    I think I’ll be gone in a flash by bombs being dropped every night, they get so loud that I think people say I’m never happy because I never get any sleep! I hope that in the future, Jews get the respect they once had kitty.

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  5. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dearest Kitty,

    The best news of the war is in, D-day has come our instincts of survival is more ambitious than ever and this morning the weather was the best in years. It was the most chilling of summer breezes bouncing from street to street. It would have been a beautiful day for a long walk, with the wind blowing against me and the sun making me warm. It would be amazing, but for now I am stuck in the annex with appalling state of dirt and rust.

    The Jews will not be the same after the war ends but I give blessing to them and hope that they will never experience this ever again. I also hope that my exquisite writing in my diary makes me one of the best writers of all time. I know the war will end and hope cruelty to Jews will never happen again. Goodnight Kitty.

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  6. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dearest Kitty,

    I sometimes think about how beautiful it will be when I first step out off this cramped building. I wish that peace will regain its settlement and that all off us Jews and different races will be free to go on busses or on a beautiful boat. I’ll ride it down the luxurious canal with the cloudy blue sky and the slim green trees. It would be amazing.

    I hope that my hopes and dreams come true about how I would love to be a famous writer. And how I want my family’s hopes to come true as well . I wonder if I will see my friends again. I tried to stay strong and I did. It has been scary when we here loud noises. I hope that religious people and different races can all do the things that they couldn’t do. Bye bye Kitty.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dearest Kitty,

    It as been two years of being in the annex and I feel like a squished sardine with all the people here. I can see the beautiful canal from my tiny window. The trees are amazing and they are so pretty. I can see the boats parking in the docks. Kitty, I’m dreadful it’s after 8 pm and I can’t look out the widows at the beautiful view. It was unusual to see the houses resting on the water like a mirror.

    I hope that people are peaceful in the world like it once was. I really want people to be peaceful in this world. I hate this life. I hope that the world enjoys my writing. I hope that people are going to enjoy my writing and people learn about my life at schools I highly think that they won’t show them at a school. Can anything get better kitty? See you tomorrow.

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  8. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dearest kitty,

    Life is like a stone hard rock it’s as hard as trying to get to the top of Mount Everest. Sometimes I look out of the window and wonder what I’ll be doing if the appalling war was over. Why does hitler have to be so cruel to make Jews suffer kitty?

    I remember walking happily along the beautifully structured street with my father. If the horrific war was over then maybe harsh suffering all around the world would stop and them despicable nazis would go on trial!

    Outside it is so beautiful, it is such a shame that the dreadful war has ruined this magnificent world. I hopethat when I’m older and more sophisticated I can become a magnificent writer and become famous. If I don’t make it through this dreadful war I want people to read my astonishing diary. As the terrible ruins outside rot, I will never lose my dignity.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dearest Kitty,

    Life in the annex was miserable, however beyond the window of the annex the streets of Amsterdam seemed unusually peaceful and quiet. It is very bright and the sun is always out. But not at the right time. It is shining bright, even when it is being bombed. Which is a shame. I wish that we could live in peace.

    My heart throbs that Mr Adolf hitler has to rule the world. But thankfully the allies are pushing forward, we want peace I swear but then he will realise that when we pop him off the top. He will surrender, you see he is very dumb, he is so dumb that he can’t put two and two together. However he does not give two hoots about the world.

    I wish that Jews will be treated like everyone else here. We are the same as everyone else and we want to have some freedom.
    Good night.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Tuesday 1st of August 1944

    Dearest Kitty,

    As I look out the window I sometimes wonder if we are ever going to get out of this prison. We’ve been here so long that I feel like I’m damaging my skill and personality. I just miss the sun and the water and as I look out side I see the sunlight dancing across the canal and the clouds creating silly pictures in the sky. It’s so beautiful isn’t it kitty?

    I just hope that once the war is over Jews will be free to do what they want and go where they want. My main goal is to become a famous writer and be famous for what we went through, well I went through. Although if I don’t survive at least my soul will still live within my diary, my record of life! I can’t wait for the war to end and I can go outside and do what I want.

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  11. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dearest Kitty,

    I wonder how it feels to be free in a world that used to be filled with happiness and laughter. One day I hope my dreams will come true and I become a famous writer once the war is over. I hope to publish my dairy so everyone can learn from the shame we had to go through. I can’t wait until the allies come to save us from the dreadful evil, Hitler.

    Every morning, I look out the window in the attic, the magical Amsterdam looks amazing the water is calm and peaceful and reflects to the other houses beyond it, it’s like a mirror. The birds are tweeting out loud sometimes the sounds help me relax and blow me out of these situations. I’m so outraged that there is such a cruel person like Hitler he should be the one to go to prison not the innocent people. Right Kitty?

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dear Kitty,

    It’s a sunny summer day, I’m looking out of the window and it’s so beautiful outside. The trees are dancing, to the sound of the wind. I wish that I could go outside and play in the shimmering sunlight, I also wish the war was over. So all my worry about the war would fly away. Then I could go to school and see all my friends, and be outside and be carefree.

    Right now I wish that Jewish people can be treated the same as everyone else, no I wish that everyone can be treated the same. I also wish that there will be no more wars and not many more people will die. I wish everyone will make friends and the world will be peaceful. Kitty do you think the allies will regain the land that Hitler stole and save us in time… Kitty do you think there will be another war?

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dearest Kitty,

    From my view out of the annex window I watch the sun dancing in the beautiful blue sky and the water reflecting like a mirror. People down in the streets below gracefully stride to their houses. It makes me wonder what life is like outside the annex?

    After the war ends, I hope that all the people from different religions are treated with kindness and respect. I wish we can walk along the streets of Amsterdam without having to look up and be terrified. It’s forbidden for us to go outside however I still can have fun by writing to you Kitty. The monsters that corrupt all of Netherlands still haven’t found us yet. I can’t wait to be able to go back to school and see all of my friends. I hope one day I will become a famous writer, Father always told me I had a gift.

    It’s been fun writing Kitty.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dearest Kitty,

    It is lovely outside, I just wish I could be sitting by a tree reading my book. When I look out of my window it reminds me of the beautiful Amsterdam I used to know. I hope one day we can be set free by the allies so I can get some fresh air and so I can hear the birds singing in the summers breeze.

    My wish for Jewish people is that I hope they can live in peace and can get back to their normal way of life. I never want someone as horrible as Hitler to start another war ever again. I really hope that all the people in the world can live in peace after the war has finished.

    If I survive the war I want to be a writer and I want rationing to end. Do you think the allies will save us soon, Kitty?

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dearest kitty,

    As I looked out of my window today it was a sunny and warm day. The trees were waving in the wind.

    I hope one day that we will all have peace in are world, because I don’t want anyone to die. I hope that one day I can walk happily down the streets. I hope for the allies to come and save us. I hope for no damage to our secret home. I wish there to be peace in the world and for everyone to be happy. Why does hitler have to be so harsh to to us? I hope the allies come and save us. Will they save us Kitty?

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dearest Kitty,

    Today I peeked out of the window and saw the water smoothly flowing. The annex was getting boring, but when I look out of the window it always cheers me up. When I looked outside it looks like warmer weather than when I lived in my old house.

    I can’t wait to walk the streets again. Something I really wish is that all religious people won’t be criticised. I hope for peace in the world. I wish we never have someone who is as mean as Hitler. I hope to be remembered by my diary. Me and my family hope to see my friends again. I really want the war to end soon. I want to go and see the world again. I like to write in my diary because it takes my mind off everything. It also helps me express my feelings. Kitty, I feel outraged that Hitler is being so dreadful.

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  17. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dear Kitty,

    As I look out of my window the view is really magnificent. I love how the water slowly drifts down the stream. Today was really sunny when I looked out of my window, the clouds were so magical. As I was daydreaming the clouds were making random shapes.

    I hope one day I will be able to go on a walk with my father around the city. I hope for peace outside. I want to be a famous writer and write books. I hope for Jewish people not to be hurt or discriminated against. I am sure that in the future you should be treated really nice. I think everyone will agree with me. Why does Hitler have to be so cruel?

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dearest Kitty,

    The weather today is sunny, but because of the war it is pitch black. I think living in a secret annex it is a bit boring. The view outside is gloomy and terrifying because the bombs have been exploding, that has made everything disappear into the darkness off the rubble.

    I really don’t want my family to read my diary at least they are always busy doing jobs in the house, even Peter wants to read it but I won’t let him. I do not know why hitler wants to take over Amsterdam. He apparently wants to rule the universe! Sometimes father and mother never give up at work, I wash
    clothes over and over again and I am very mad about this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A good try, but this diary entry should have been about the beautiful view of the canal outside and Anne’s hopes and dreams for the future. You’ve still managed to include the features of diaries though Lucy-Mae 🙂 2DJ.


  19. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dear Kitty,

    I think people will agree if we can be friends with the people that are terrifying us so we can so we get along. I wish that I can go back to see Moochie my cat. We have been hiding for three years.

    I love to colours of the trees outside some time it can be very quiet. The only thing I don’t like is the canal it looks like gravy because it was very brown. I wish that I can see my friends but on the other hand I don’t know about that. I think there were 30 in my class but now 4 are left. I am very ashamed because I never said bye to them. I wonder how many people in all our school are alive. My best friend visiting sometimes she came round a week to day. Who likes Hitler? Not Jews or anyone.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dearest Kitty,

    This morning I looked out the dusty annex window and the sky was as blue as the sea. I wonder sometimes if the horrid clouds over Amsterdam could lift. Before the war, Amsterdam was usually beautiful now when I look out the window it is all dull and grey and never as it was before .

    Today I looked out the window and it was more sunny than it usually was just by a tiny bit . Today I think it would a graceful day today also the trees were swaying side to side as the wind was singing.

    Is this the end of the petrifying war, Kitty? If this is the end of this mayhem, my hopes and dreams are that the world would be as peaceful as is used to be. I hope there would be no one as mean as Hitler. And Jews will be safe from tragedy and disaster.

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  21. Tuesday 1st August 1944

    Dearest Kitty,

    Outside of the window is a very beautiful summer day. Today the canal is very calm and as reflective as a mirror. The water is a bowl of clear fresh water. It is very cold in the annex, however it was warm out and mysteriously quiet!

    Sometimes I wonder if the war will ever end and if we will go back to Germany and to be honest with you I kind of like it here sines we have been here two years. I wish we get our freedom soon. Please let me go father I don’t want to stay here it’s horrid.

    My wish is that we all get world peace and Hitler and the Nazi just give up. They’re not going to win it, because the Allies are taking control of the land once again. I hope that Jews don’t have suffer like I did.Kitty what do you think? Bye bye Kitty.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really love reading your work Cordy. I can see you are really trying to imagine what life was like for Anne. I agree with Mr McCann though, a little more proof-reading is needed. Xx


  22. Tuesday 29th November

    Dear Kitty,

    Today the view from my window was stunning. The sun was shining on the trees the light reflected off the trees into the sparkling canal. The buildings were dark and enormous. The people looked tiny and small.

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  23. Tuesday 29th November

    Dear Kitty,

    Today the view from my window was stunning. The sun was glowing on the trees the sparkling trees were reflecting on the river. The clouds looked soft and fluffy in the bright blue sky. Strong building and the people were happy.

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  24. Tuesday 29th November

    Dear Kitty,

    Today the view from my window was stunning and beautiful. The sun was glowing and shining off the trees. The sky was reflecting in the water. The clouds were white and fluffy and nice and big.

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